你的后台会计部门是否已经跟不上了? 也许是时候投资新软件,增加人手,或者改进会计流程,使其更高效、更灵活. 你正在寻找改善财务报告或其他未满足需求的方法吗?

如果你已经到了这个岔路口, 从长远来看,外包部分或全部财务流程可以提供更好的机会, 让你的公司有更多的时间专注于业务增长的其他部分.

Many growing companies are beginning to outsource its financial operations more frequently now that the yearly cost of outsourcing is typically less than the pay of one financial executive. 削减日常开支对小企业和初创公司的成功至关重要.


Companies should consider the following five topics when determining on if financial outsourcing is the right answer for their company.

1. 人

管理全职员工往往是具有挑战性的,尤其是对小企业主来说. A company that outsources its financial team eliminates the headache of managing multiple people and in turn receives the benefit of hassle-free timely financial statements to reflect the company’s progress and activity each month, 季度, 或一年. 该公司还消除了管理休假时间的需要, 病假, 或者任何其他工作场所的混乱. 有一个外包的财务团队 will eliminate such potential issues by having other staff on the team work to meet client deadlines, 因此,客户不会遇到财务团队产生的预期可交付成果的任何延迟.

2. 质量

有人说,在寻找外包财务团队时,质量是最重要的考虑因素. 质量 of team members and quality of work are both equally as critical to clients considering outsourcing its financial department. Current and previous client testimonials as well as the reputation of the firm can help potential clients determine the overall quality of the team. It is important to remember that most outsourced financial teams will produce top-level deliverables because the reputation of the team depends on the team’s success which is determined by the client retention rate and client testimonials.

3. 技术

Keeping a competitive advantage in the marketplace is what drives outsourced financial teams to use the latest technology available that allows for the most efficiencies. 找到一个基于云计算的财务团队对客户的移动性和成功至关重要. 借助基于云的软件程序,客户将能够访问财务信息, 总帐报告, 应收帐款和应收帐款老化, 杰出的账单, 以及其他与财务状况相关的项目,都可以在网页浏览器或移动应用程序中查看,具体取决于所使用的软件. This type of mobility also allows executives to have the most real-time financials as possible instead of having to wait one to two weeks for the month to be finalized and books to officially be “closed.”

4. 安全

Protecting confidential documents and ensuring the proper internal controls are in place can be challenging and costly to a company. 有一个外包的财务团队, the client automatically receives the protection from the outsourced team’s internal IT department at no extra charge to the client. 客户端还可以使用内部IT部门授权的安全文件共享软件, 这样公司就可以在安全服务器之外进行文件共享. 例如,通过电子邮件与外部方沟通.

5. 定价

有一个外包的财务团队 the pricing of the monthly fees are typically always scalable to the amount of work expected to be completed each month. Most monthly fees are a flat fee which enables the client to properly budget for the year with the comfort of no “surprise” charges accumulating throughout each month. The total yearly fees often are equal or less than the pay of one full-time employee that the client would have to employ if the client chose to have internal operations instead of outsourced operations; which is typically not a scalable option for start-up or small businesses due to the high amount of overhead needed to support an internal department.

进一步了解明升体育app下载 外判财务管理服务.


从本质上讲,它是一种后台支持,没有维持一个全方位服务的内部会计人员的固定成本. 它可以为你的业务提供持续的新鲜视角, 更大规模的技术和获得经验丰富的会计团队,而无需支付招聘和培训费用.

根据您的需要,外包可以是最小的,也可以是最大的. 有些公司只需要基本的服务:应付账款, 应收账款, 和解, 工资和现金流管理. 其他人则需要更成熟的服务,包括预算、自定义报告、仪表板等. 全方位服务外包安排可能包括首席财务官服务, 税务咨询, IT咨询和战略规划.

外包的一个优点是它可以根据您的需要进行定制, 并且有足够的适应能力与你的业务一起成长.

例如, two entrepreneurs who did not want to incur the time and stress of hiring an internal accounting person for their new company decided instead to partner with an outside firm for financial services. 结果? 该公司拥有一个基于云计算的会计系统, 还有一个基于云的供应商支付系统,它与总账集成在一起. It gave both owners the convenience of working remotely and traveling on short notice to meet with clients while enjoying the peace of mind that an experienced team knew how to process and record accounting transactions and resolve issues as they arose.

Another organization that had enjoyed significant growth for several years found itself with separate general ledgers and different software systems for its various entities. 管理报告过程是手工的,每个月需要花费太多时间.

The company’s decision to outsource led to a newly designed accounting infrastructure that streamlined the reporting process of various entities within one system. 现金支付流程从大量手工签名支票转换为在线供应商支付系统, 显著降低成本和文书工作.

这些变化增强了该组织对其财务状况的信心, saved a great deal of time and allowed management to get the reports they needed sooner so that they could stay focused on the organization’s mission.

这样想吧. 而不是立即雇佣更多的人,增加你自己的管理费用, partnering with a financial firm to provide ongoing or special project services gives you the benefit of someone else’s investment in software and skilled accountants.

长期以来在音乐行业处于领先地位, 例如, found its existing staff stretched thin when it implemented a new general ledger accounting system as a result of a large acquisition. 新软件的推出和交易量的大幅增加让公司的财务部门感到紧张.

而不是雇佣更多的人, 首席财务官与外部合作伙伴合作,寻找快速推进事情的方法. 他们在会计系统方面的经验为他的团队节省了宝贵的时间,减少了他们的挫折. 新的基于云的软件允许每天有效地处理会计交易,而不必在现场.

在另一个案例中, 一家有风险资本支持的公司开发了一个软件平台来创收. 这家虚拟公司没有公司办公室,管理团队分布在几个城市. 通过使用基于云的会计解决方案来管理总账, 管理报告和供应商付款流程, the company was able to eliminate geographical barriers so it could recruit the best talent for its organization regardless of location.

在另一个例子中, 一家私募股权公司的房地产投资信托业务经历了显著增长. They wanted to work with a team who would understand the technical nature of the service line and who had the infrastructure to scale up with the company’s growth. 他们的解决方案包括一个基于云的系统,公司的管理团队可以通过智能手机访问该系统, 平板电脑, 笔记本电脑或台式电脑, 还有能回答问题的专业人士, 研究交易并根据需要添加实体.

No matter the size — whether it’s a small and growing entrepreneurial venture or an established business facing changes or significant growth — companies are finding they have options in developing an accounting structure that works for them.

内容由LBMC专业人士Tammy Wolcott提供.